Portable Bob The Builder: Can-Do Carnival 1.0 Size: 42Mb
В городе Карнавал! Да? Карнавальный поезд только что прошел и забрал с собой все веселье и забавы! Объединитесь вместе со своими детьми, внуками, племянниками, чтобы помочь Бобу и его команде устроить восхитительный карнавал по средствам захватывающей и образовательной деятельности, бонусы и режим «построй сам»! Сможем ли мы это сделать? Да, сможем!
The Carnival's in town! Or is it? The Carnival train just passed by, taking all the rides and fun with it! Get together with your children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews to help Bob and the Can-Do Crew build an amazing Carnival through exciting and educational activities, sticker bonuses and a build-it-yourself sticker book mode! Can we build it? Yes we can!
Game features:
Merges Academic Fundamentals With Ease Of Playability!
Collect Over 100 Stickers!
Teaches Creative Problem Solving And Critical Thinking!
Children Can Play Along!
System requirements:
Windows XP/Vista
DirectX 8
800 MHz
256 MB RAM
Screenshots: #1 #2 #3
The Carnival's in town! Or is it? The Carnival train just passed by, taking all the rides and fun with it! Get together with your children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews to help Bob and the Can-Do Crew build an amazing Carnival through exciting and educational activities, sticker bonuses and a build-it-yourself sticker book mode! Can we build it? Yes we can!
Game features:
Merges Academic Fundamentals With Ease Of Playability!
Collect Over 100 Stickers!
Teaches Creative Problem Solving And Critical Thinking!
Children Can Play Along!
System requirements:
Windows XP/Vista
DirectX 8
800 MHz
256 MB RAM
Screenshots: #1 #2 #3
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