Portable Fortix 1.0 Size: 79Mb
Fortix - это современный ремейк старенькой аркады Qix, которая увидела свет еще в 80-х годах. Задача игрока - захватить вражескую крепость, выгородив её на свою часть игрового поля. Противостоять вам будет злой маг и его свирепые драконы, а также оборонительные башни в каждой крепости. Отвоюйте обратно свои земли и верните мир в королевство!
Fortix is a brand new version of the popular 80's arcade game Qix. Experience a new type of strategy and arcade game. Fence off parts of the battlefield to corner your enemies. Collect catapults and power-ups to besiege the fortresses and take on dragons. But beware! As you progress through the levels it gets harder and harder. The fortresses become much larger and the monsters more vicious. Can you emerge victorious and reclaim the land of your ancestors? You are Knight Fortix, the sole hope for the desolate and tortured land of Fortiana to become the fertile land that it was before.
System requirements:
Windows 2000/XP/Vista
DirectX 9c
1 GHz
256 MB RAM
Screenshots: #1 #2 #3
Fortix is a brand new version of the popular 80's arcade game Qix. Experience a new type of strategy and arcade game. Fence off parts of the battlefield to corner your enemies. Collect catapults and power-ups to besiege the fortresses and take on dragons. But beware! As you progress through the levels it gets harder and harder. The fortresses become much larger and the monsters more vicious. Can you emerge victorious and reclaim the land of your ancestors? You are Knight Fortix, the sole hope for the desolate and tortured land of Fortiana to become the fertile land that it was before.
System requirements:
Windows 2000/XP/Vista
DirectX 9c
1 GHz
256 MB RAM
Screenshots: #1 #2 #3
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